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Create payment

With wabe, you have the ability to create payments either by using official adapters or by creating your own. You can then access it in the controllers object or create create payment with the default graphql mutation createPayment.

// With controller
const fn = async (context: WabeContext<any>) => {
  await context.wabe.controllers.payment.createPayment({
      cancelUrl: '',
      successUrl: '',
      customerEmail: '',
      paymentMode: PaymentMode.Subscription,
      // Compute the taxe automatically or not
      automaticTax: true,
      recurringInterval: 'month',
      products: [{ name: 'MacBook Pro', unitAmount: 100, quantity: 1 }],
// With graphql mutation
input CreatePaymentInput {
  customerEmail: Email
  paymentMode: PaymentMode!
  successUrl: String!
  cancelUrl: String!
  products: [CreatePaymentProductInput]!
  automaticTax: Boolean
  recurringInterval: PaymentReccuringInterval
Create a payment with the payment provider. Returns the url to redirect the user to pay
createPayment(input: CreatePaymentInput!): String

Cancel subscription

You can cancel a subscription by using the default graphql mutation cancelSubscription.

With controller :

const fn = async (context: WabeContext<any>) => {
  await context.wabe.controllers.payment.cancelSubscription({
    email: '',

With GraphQL mutation :

input CancelSubscriptionInput {
  email: Email!
Cancel a subscription
cancelSubscription(input: CancelSubscriptionInput!): String

Get invoices

You can get the invoices of a customer by using the default graphql query getInvoices.

With controller :

const fn = async (context: WabeContext<any>) => {
  const invoices = await context.wabe.controllers.payment.getInvoices({
    email: '',

With GraphQL query :

input GetInvoicesInput {
  email: Email!
Get invoices of a customer
getInvoices(input: GetInvoicesInput!): [Invoice]!


Wabe offers the ability to create webhooks for payments. The webhooks are created automatically when you initialize the payment adapter. For the moment we only support two callbacks, one for successful payments and one for failed payments. You can for example do something like sending a welcome email after each successful payment.

import { Wabe, Currency } from "wabe";
import { StripeAdapter } from "wabe-stripe";

const run = async () => {
  const wabe = new Wabe({
    // ... others config fields
    publicUrl: '',
    payment: {
      adapter: new StripeAdapter('YOU_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'),
      currency: Currency.USD,
      supportedPaymentMethods: ['card', 'paypal'],
      onPaymentSucceed: async (options) => {
        // Do something with the options
      onPaymentFailed: async (options) => {
        // Do something with the options

  await wabe.start();

await run();

Stripe adapter

You can easily initialize an adapter like this by passing your API key as a parameter to the adapter.

import { Wabe, Currency } from "wabe";
import { StripeAdapter } from "wabe-stripe";

const run = async () => {
  const wabe = new Wabe({
    // ... others config fields
    payment: {
      adapter: new StripeAdapter('YOU_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'),
      currency: Currency.USD,
      supportedPaymentMethods: ['card', 'paypal'],

  await wabe.start();

await run();

Create your own adapter

You can create your own adapter (for other payment providers) implementing the interface PaymentAdapter :

export type CreateCustomerOptions = {
  customerName?: string
  customerEmail: string
  customerPhone?: string
  address: Address
  paymentMethod: PaymentMethod

export type CreatePaymentOptions = {
  currency: Currency
  customerEmail: string
  products: Array<Product>
  paymentMethod: Array<PaymentMethod>
  paymentMode: PaymentMode
  successUrl: string
  cancelUrl: string
  automaticTax?: boolean
  recurringInterval?: 'month' | 'year'

export type CancelSubscriptionOptions = {
  email: string

export type GetInvoicesOptions = {
  email: string

export interface PaymentAdapter {
   * Create a customer
   * @param options CreateCustomerOptions
   * @returns The customer email
  createCustomer: (options: CreateCustomerOptions) => Promise<string>
   * Create a payment
   * @param options CreatePaymentOptions
   * @returns The payment url
  createPayment: (options: CreatePaymentOptions) => Promise<string>
   * Cancel a subscription
   * @param options The customer email to cancel the subscription
  cancelSubscription: (options: CancelSubscriptionOptions) => Promise<void>
   * Get invoices
   * @param options The customer email to get the invoices
   * @returns The invoices of a customer
  getInvoices: (options: GetInvoicesOptions) => Promise<Invoice[]>