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In the schema object of the Wabe configuration, you can also define resolvers. These resolvers correspond to GraphQL resolvers (when we integrate automatic REST API generation, they will correspond to REST endpoints). They are divided into two categories: on one side, queries, which allow you to request data or return a result without performing any mutations on the data in the database; and on the other side, mutations, which, as their name suggests, allow you to modify the data in the database.


For each query you choose to create, you can give it a name (in the example below, "helloWorld"). You can also specify a return type (supported types in Wabe include String, Int, Float, Boolean, File, etc.). Additionally, you can provide arguments if needed. Finally, you must assign it a resolver function that contains the code to execute when your query is called.

import { DatabaseEnum, Wabe } from "wabe";

const run = async () => {
  const wabe = new Wabe({
    // ... others configs fields
    schema: {
      resolvers: {
        queries: {
          helloWorld: {
            // Output type
            type: "String",
            // Description of the query
            description: "Hello world description",
            // Arguments of the query
            args: {
              name: {
                type: "String",
                required: true,
            // The resolver to call when we call the query
            // Context argument contains the Wabe context (you can see more information about it in the Context sections in Wabe notions)
            resolve: (root, args, context) => "Hello World",

  await wabe.start();

await run();


Just like with queries, you can create mutations (such as "sumAndUpdateResult" in the example below) with a return type, arguments (within the input object), and a resolver function.

import { DatabaseEnum, Wabe } from "wabe";

const run = async () => {
  const wabe = new Wabe({
    // ... others configs fields
    schema: {
      resolvers: {
        sumAndUpdateResult: {
          type: "Int",
          args: {
            input: {
              a: {
                type: "Int",
              b: {
                type: "Int",
          resolve: (root, args) => {
            const sum = args.input.a + args.input.b;

            // ... suppose we update sum in database

            return sum;

  await wabe.start();

await run();